Online Caller Notification Tools

The functions that programs like Callwave can provide are very similar to what MMCTSU can offer you for free! If your computer has a modem that uses the v.92 protocol with Modem On Hold† as a supported feature you can take advantage of these features today.

There is one major difference between Modem On Hold† and Callwave. The difference is that Callwave can record a voicemail for you that you can listen to once you connect to the Internet. Both technologies allow you to determine if you have an incoming call and discover the identity of the caller if you have purchased Caller ID service from your telephone company.

Modem On Hold† actually allows you to put the Internet session "on hold" while you take the incoming call. Callwave types of service only allow you to know that a call is coming in and allows you to listen to the message the caller leaves while you are still online.

Use this chart to make the decision on which type of technology you would like to use!

v.92 Modem with "Modem On Hold†"
Incoming Call Notification

Caller ID Information
Voicemail Capability
Ability to place Internet session on hold in order to answer incoming telephone call
Additional Software Required
Call Waiting Service from Telephone Company Required
Call Forwarding Service from Telephone Company Required

Caller-ID Service from Telephone Company Suggested

Ability to Place Outgoing Calls during Internet session

v.44 compression for faster webpage downloads
Quick Connect - Time needed to get connected reduced!
Faster upstream speeds (Send out files quicker!)
Up to $95.40** per Year with all features
Click here if you are interested in learning more about v.92 Modem On Hold.†

Click here if you are interested in purchasing Callwave software.

* You must have a v.92 Modem which supports Modem On Hold† and supplies a Modem On Hold† application. Also, you will need to purchase Call Waiting from your telephone company, Caller ID is required if you would like to know who is calling.

** Callwave offers various levels of service. The software is available as a free demonstration download. Your phone line will need to purchase Call Forwarding service for Callwave to work.

v.92 Modems with the Modem on Hold feature are not available in all MMCTSU service areas. Contact your local telephone company to learn if the modems that you dial into have been upgraded to v.92.

The presentation of Callwave software on the MMCTSU web site does not constitute an endorsement of Callwave or any other 3rd party software on your computer. MMCTSU makes no claim of fitness to purpose, nor any specific or implied warranty with regard to the software such as Callwave. For software support, you should contact Callwave. MMCTSU is not responsible for any loss of data or downtime associated with installing any or all of the software provided.