Last Updated : 07/11/07

MMCTSU provides an email address for use in reporting abusive activities originating from MMCTSU customers as outlined in the MMCTSU Acceptable Use Policy. Please note, abuse originating from non-MMCTSU customers cannot be handled by MMCTSU. Report those instances to the provider/site who has authority over the abusive user.

  • When reporting email or Usenet abuse, include a FULL copy of the message, including headers. This information is required in order for any action to be taken. In many cases, the From field is forged, and is not the true origin. We cannot determine the origin of email or news posts without full headers.
    Information on how to reveal the full headers of an email can be found in your email software documentation. Also, you may visit or Full headers will contain at least one line beginning with "Received:".
  • When reporting other types of abuse, include details such as log files documenting the incident. MMCTSU cannot act on your word alone, we must have documented proof of an incident. If possible, please send such documentation in plain text format. In addition, reports of port scans or probes must include a note of which time zone is referred to by the reported date/time.
  • Spam (UCE, UBE - unsolicited commercial or bulk email) originating from outside the MMCTSU network should be reported to the network or domain from which it originated. Note that the address in the "From:" field is often forged. Some of the links below can help you determine where the spam actually came from.
    If complaints of spam to the originating network or domain do not produce results (i.e. spam from that origin continues to be sent), then report the spam to MMCTSU. We can and do block email to and from networks or domains that refuse to stop sending spam.
  • Send your report in an email message to Due to the number of reports that may be submitted pertaining to a single abuse incident, it is not always possible for MMCTSU to respond to each and every report.

NOTE: The action taken on abuse reports will be at the sole discretion of MMCTSU. Our intent is NOT to be The Net Police, but to simply do our part to insure quality access and use of the Internet to all of our customers and to the Internet community at large.

Related Resources :

Spam :(UCE, UBE - unsolicited commercial or bulk email)

Network and Internet security : (Port scanning and probes, backdoor programs, viruses and worms)